NOBA Nordic Baltic contemporary art platform

ANISA Aleksandra Ianchenko Emerging artist

Artist's country of origin: Estonia

ANISA (Aleksandra Ianchenko) accomplished two Masters’ degrees in Monumental and Decorative Art in Irkutsk, Russia and in Art Management in Moscow and in Berlin. Currently, she is finishing a joint doctoral degree at Tallinn University and Åbo Akademi University. Her doctoral thesis is based on artistic research about the atmospheres of trams which includes such methods as on-site sketching and site-specific performances. Her works in different media from acrylic painting to video offer unexpected and humorous views on everyday life.


Crouching Tiger by ANISA Aleksandra Ianchenko
Crouching Tiger  
50 x 60 cm
Moon by ANISA Aleksandra Ianchenko
110 x 140 cm
Morning by ANISA Aleksandra Ianchenko
80 x 100 cm
Three Graces by ANISA Aleksandra Ianchenko
Three Graces  
80 x 120 cm
Together by ANISA Aleksandra Ianchenko
80 x 120 cm
In Ambush by ANISA Aleksandra Ianchenko
In Ambush  
80 x 60 cm
Tiger in Rowan Tiger in Sea Buckthorn by ANISA Aleksandra Ianchenko
Tiger in Rowan Tiger in Sea Buckthorn  
100 x 140 cm
Milk by ANISA Aleksandra Ianchenko
28 x 21 cm
Spring coffee by ANISA Aleksandra Ianchenko
Spring coffee  
30 x 21 cm
Baikal Tram by ANISA Aleksandra Ianchenko
Baikal Tram  
90 x 65 cm
Birch Beauty Duo by ANISA Aleksandra Ianchenko
Birch Beauty Duo  
50 x 80 cm
Fashion Safari by ANISA Aleksandra Ianchenko
Fashion Safari  
50 x 40 cm
It is not a Swedish Flag by ANISA Aleksandra Ianchenko
It is not a Swedish Flag  
40 x 50 cm
Tram in Kopli by ANISA Aleksandra Ianchenko
Tram in Kopli  
90 x 65 cm
Narcissist by ANISA Aleksandra Ianchenko
80 x 60 cm
The two by ANISA Aleksandra Ianchenko
The two  
50 x 40 cm
Passenger Pigeon by ANISA Aleksandra Ianchenko
Passenger Pigeon  
50 x 70 cm

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