Gintarė Vaicekauskaitė Emerging artist

Artist's country of origin: Lithuania
Photography and media art bachelor programme encompasses such media art areas as photography, video art, interactive media, sound art and interdisciplinary art practice in the context of contemporary art. Study programme educates media artists who actively participate in the processes of contemporary Lithuanian art and influence cultural context of Lithuania. This study programme provides graduates with the guidelines about the context of contemporary world art. The programme is to educate media artists who are able to independently use various photography and new media technologies, implement individual works of art and take part in group creative projects. Photography and media art bachelor programme encompasses such media art areas as photography, video art, interactive media, sound art and interdisciplinary art practice. Graduates will be able to define the field of their creative interests, formulate artistic goals and reasonably choose the mediums to implement the ideas. They will be able to professionally execute works, employing photography, videography and multimedia techniques and ground used mediums with arguments. Graduates will be able to analyse creation in the area and evaluate it in the context of contemporary art, convey information not only to the area specialists but to a diverse interested audience as well. Graduates will have career management abilities and independent learning skills to continue individual studies. Developing professional expertise, graduates study art theory and practice, execute works of art. Discussing various aspects of art works students are fostered to get acquainted with the tendencies of media art practice. As new media is becoming more relevant, students should be able to research the newest technologies and use them in artistic creation. Graduates actively take part in contemporary art processes and make and impact on cultural context of Lithuania.
EDUCATION: 2002-2011 Vilnius St. Christopher’s Progymnasium 2011-2015 Vilnius St. Christopher’s Gymnasium 2015 – 2019 Vilnius Academy of Arts Photography and Media Arts
EXHIBITIONS: 2016, September Photo series “Urban Copenhagen”; Loftas fest 2016 (LT) 2017, March Photo series/exhibition “Urban Copenhagen”; SKALVIJA Cinema Center (LT) 2017, June Remake “Towards”; Film festival in Kultūros naktys; Ramintoja – Meno sandėlis (LT) 2018, May Video installations “Swamp” and “(Un)necessary” ��; Exhibition – “anima(re)anima in the expanded field”; VDA exhibition hall “Titanikas” (LT) 2018, June Video installation “Swamp”; Exhibition – “Meeting”; Gallery “Academia” VDA (LT) 2019 June Video installation “(Un)necessary”; “Art Fair ArtVilnius” – International Contemporary Art Fair; Lithuanian Exhibition and Congress Centre LITEXPO; ArtVilnius’19 audience Select Gallery: Vilnius Art Academy exhibition halls “Titanikas” (LT) 2019, June 3 video installations “Swamp”, “Soap and water” and “Grinda”; Night at the gallery part of the “Art Fair ArtVilnius” – International Contemporary Art Fair (LT) 2019, June video installation “Swamp”; Meno celės 2019 – part of the “Culture Night” festival (LT) WORKSHOPS: 2016, June Workshop “Moving landscape”; Panemunė. (LT) 2017, September Nida’s cultural landscapes, artistic study of moving images; Nida. (LT) 2017, August Traveling architecture workshop; Lieplaukė. (LT) 2017, June The interpretation of the landscape in photography; Panemunė (LT) 2018, June Traveling architecture workshop; Inturkė. (LT) 2018, August Animation experience: Nida’s sound imprints; Nida. (LT)