Paulius Šliaupa Emerging artist

Artist's country of origin: Lithuania
Paulius Šliaupa (b. 1990, Vilnius, Lithuania) holds a BA in painting and an MFA in contemporary sculpture from Vilnius Academy of Arts, Vilnius, Lithuania, an MFA in media arts in KASK, HISK postgraduate residency programme in Ghent, Belgium. He completed two MFA exchange study programmes at Konsthögskolan i Malmö (2020) and RUFA, Rome, Italy (2017-2018). He was awarded the grand prize of ArtContest22, Brussels, Belgium, and the grand prize of INPUT/OUTPUT 2023 Brugge, Belgium. Paulius is a member of SOFAM in Belgium and received their research grant in 2022. Selected exhibitions would include personal exhibitions: “Night watch“ (2022), HuidenClub, Rotterdam, Netherlands, “Moonpieces” (2022) Maanstraat, Antwerp, Belgium, “Neon Poems“ (2021) Casinot XXH, Malmo, Sweden; “Dès Vu“ (2019), Meno Niša, Vilnius, Lithuania; the group exhibitions KIN, Vienna, Viena, Austria (2022), ‘Earth Drama‘ Meno Niša, Vilnius, Lithuania (2022), ‘M-idzomer‘, M Leuven, Belgium (2022), ‘Klimaatfestival Antwerpen‘Antwerp, Belgium (2022), Sonsbeek´s Conjunctions programme, Arnhem, Netherlands (2021), LAHTI FRINGE FESTIVAL, Lahti, Finland (2021), “New Songs for Old Cities“ (2021), Netwerk, Aalst, Belgium, “BEESTIG?“ Stadsfestival Damme, Damme, Belgium (2020-2021) and “The upper hand“, IKOB, Eupen, Belgium (2020).