NOBA Nordic Baltic contemporary art platform

Rytis Urbanskas Emerging artist

Artist's country of origin: Lithuania

Rytis Urbanskas studied in Master’s program of sculpture at Vilnius Academy of Arts. During his studies, he discovered his main interest in listening and sounds. He understood that listening is the structure force of the sound, which gives the meaning through power relations. Urbanskas developed conceptual work based on sounds. The work investigates the acoustical situation depicted in E. Munch’s painting “The Scream”. The main question was about the figures in the background. Why they don’t even care that the main character in screaming? In the installation, sound reinforcement system was reconfigured not to amplify individual voice, but the opposite – exterior soundscape.


Over Danceable Distance by Rytis Urbanskas
Over Danceable Distance, 2017  
1 x 1 cm

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