NOBA Nordic Baltic contemporary art platform

Over Danceable Distance, 2017

Vinyl collection of Sarunas Karalius, sound modelling and amplification system

Dimensions variable

The work was specifically created to address the dance music vinyl collection that was given as a gift to the National Library of Lithuania by former DJ Sarunas Karalius. After having a question of how to listen to dance music in the library, Urbanskas proposed a sound installation. There vinyl collection of Sarunas Karalius consisting of 800 vinyls was exhibited as a whole for the very first time. Instead of sound system playing back the records, it played each of them as if they were somewhere out in the city. Audience can hear a leakage of low frequencies penetrating the exterior soundscape of the library. Through re-modelling of listening experience, author addressed the status of the music collection’s bibliographical worth, which leads to the broader question: why one or the other object becomes preserved by the library and who makes this decision?