NOBA Nordic Baltic contemporary art platform

Andrejs Lavrinovičs Emerging artist

Artist's country of origin: Latvia

Andrejs Lavrinovičs (born 1987) holds a Bachelor of Arts degree in graphic design from University of Latvia, faculty of Education, Psychology and Arts. He has also mastered the basics of photography in a studio hosted by photographer Andrejs Grants. Today he continues his Master studies of visual communication at the Art Academy of Latvia, Faculty of Audio-Visual Media Art. In addition to that, for a half-semester Andrejs studied Fine Art at Frederick University, Cyprus. The most common mediums of his artwork are various objects, ceramics, readymades, and works in graphics and drawing. Andrejs has taken part in group exhibitions both in Latvia and worldwide. For nine years he has worked as a freelance graphic designer, and since 2012 is an active member of the Popper Publishing team, creating art books and artzines dedicated to contemporary art, drawing, graphics, street art and photography. Aside from publishing, he also organises and curates exhibitions and other art projects.


Nike by Andrejs Lavrinovičs
43 x 22 cm


The Future is Now! by Andrejs Lavrinovičs
The Future is Now!  
1 x 1 cm
How Many Links Have You Visited Today? by Andrejs Lavrinovičs
How Many Links Have You Visited Today?  
1 x 1 cm
Atlantis by Andrejs Lavrinovičs
1 x 1 cm
Transparent Gate To Nowhere by Andrejs Lavrinovičs
Transparent Gate To Nowhere  
1 x 1 cm

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