NOBA Nordic Baltic contemporary art platform

On 9 June the fifth Art Academy Diploma Candidate exhibition by the Art Academy of Latvia (LMA) was opened. The exhibition includes works by BA and MA students from all departments and everyone is welcome to see the works of new artists as the results of several years of studies.


Along with extensive displays of art at the LMA buildings at Kalpaka bulvāris 13 and Kronvalda bulvāris 4 with work by 106 artists on show, the exhibition also branches out to two separate group shows located at Skolas iela 18 and Brīvības iela 40, as well as a solo show at LOOK! gallery – each with its own character, scenography and visual identity. In 16-18 June the diploma candidate exhibition will host also the International Performance Art Festival for the second time. Read more about the Art Academy Diploma Candidate exhibition.


Photos: Meriem Kimmer