13 Finland-based artists visit Estonia and bring their sketch-art exhibition to Tallinn for only one week. Don't miss it! Opening event on Saturday, June 17 at 6 pm, special performance by Black Hole Syndrome (FIN).
Milk Train on the move – exhibition!
13 Finland-based artists visits Galerii Metropol & Metropol Kapp 17.6.-25.6.2023
The artwork is transported from Milk Train art gallery (Maitojuna), Orivesi to Tallinn.
Participating Artists:
Emmu Johansson
Juuso Joutsi
Henna Matanuska
Karkki Mäkelä
Lauri Mäkimurto
Elliina Peltoniemi
Aino Säävälä
Ilmari Säävälä
Päivi Säävälä
Jaakko Tuomainen
Tommi Tuurenpoika
Alisa Volkova
Mikko Ängeslevä
The artworks of Milk Train follow a concept of unfinished/sketch art. Some of the artwork is abandoned by their creators from other exhibitions because the pieces are screwed up. Other pieces just are sketchy by nature.
We present works of art in which these requirements are met:
– the works are unsigned
– there is a kind of obscurity in the works
– the works have remained unfinished because they have only been worked on for as long as there has been enough inspiration:
– the works are orphaned, detached, and the author does not identify with them
– the works do not look like commercial products
Milk Train gathers in Orivesi to collaborate in the spirit of unfinished art: we bring forth sketches; raw material and unfinished artwork in attempt to find different ways to combine ideas.
Vernissage: Black Hole Syndrome -band (FIN) plays 17.6. 18:00 in Galerii Metropol!
Galerii nimi: Galerii Metropol 6m2 & Metropol Kapp
Aadress: Vana-Kalamaja 46, Tallinn, Estonia
Telefon: 5217649
Avatud kokkuleppel
Avatud: 17.06.2023 — 25.06.2023
Kunsti liigid: Segatehnika, Maal, Joonistus, Muu
Aadress: Vana-Kalamaja 46, Tallinn, Estonia
Telefon: 5217649
Avatud kokkuleppel
Avatud: 17.06.2023 — 25.06.2023