The Spiral, an exhibition of Māra Kažociņa’s paintings, will be presented in the LNMA’s cycle “The Generation” in the 4th Floor Exhibition Halls of the main building of the Latvian National Museum of Art in Riga (Jaņa Rozentāla laukums 1) from 10 December 2021 to 6 February 2022.
Māra Kažociņa occupies an outlying place in the overall picture of Latvian art. The painter was predominantly drawn to a metaphorical interpretation of the surrounding world. She consistently strove to imbue reality with another, deeper meaning, rejecting didactic content and petty details. It is demonstrated already by The Spiral (1961), a composition from her study years, whose title has become the title of this exhibition. It perfectly characterises the essence and uniformity of her entire oeuvre of over thirty years.
Māra Kažociņa very rationally approached everything that had to do with painting, craft and skill, she strove to study, master it to perfection, seeking to weave together the roots of her art with impulses from the world in the most harmonious possible equilibrium, keeping a conscious distance from the reality of Soviet life and its representation on canvas. Likewise, in terms of painterly expression, Māra Kažociņa’s works are laconic, robust, ascetic, with a high degree of abstraction and stylisation. Such pensive, introvert, existential message captivated viewers under the conditions of Soviet double-morals, because of which Māra Kažociņa’s paintings were noticed already at that time and, as we can see, it still retains its relevance in the 21st century.
Māra Kažociņa was born on 17 July 1936 in Riga in the family of Eduards Kažociņš (1891–1965), a choir conductor, employee of the Latvian National Opera and Ballet Theatre of many years, tenor and brother of composer Kārlis Kažociņš, and Laura Kažociņa (1903–1944), a civil servant. Māra developed an interest in art already in childhood, as her father was not only a talented musician but also an avid amateur painter. While studying at the Riga Secondary School No. 3, Māra started to attend the People’s Visual Art Studio of the Trade Unions’ Central House of Culture, headed by the watercolourist Eduards Jurķelis, in addition studying privately with the then-young painter Edgars Iltners, whom she considered her real teacher.
Studies at the Department of Painting of the Art Academy of Latvia followed (1957–1963). From November 1963 until her death, Māra Kažociņa worked as an artist-decorator at the Riga Medical Institute, preparing designs for interiors and events and producing illustrations for articles in medical publications. Yet she never forgot about her true calling – to be a painter. In 1969, Māra Kažociņa became a member of the Artists’ Union of Latvia and immediately began taking active part in the plain-air painting sessions, seminars, public works that it organised. The painter’s life came to an abrupt end on 26 August 1992 in Ventspils, where she was taken from an artists’ plain-air in Pāvilosta. Māra Kažociņa is buried at the Forest Cemetery in Riga.
Māra Kažociņa’s paintings are held in the collections of the Latvian National Museum of Art (LNMA) and the Artists’ Union of Latvia, the museums of Liepāja, Ogre and Talsi, State Tretyakov Gallery in Moscow as well as private collections in Latvia, Russia, Germany, Great Britain, and the USA.
During her lifetime, the artist held more than 20 personal exhibitions and several memorial exhibitions have been held after her death, yet this is the first exhibition of Māra Kažociņa’s works at the Latvian National Museum of Art, bringing together more than 30 canvases from the collections of the LNMA and Patriks Markēvičs.
Text by: Irēna Bužinska
Each generation belongs to an era. The Latvian National Museum of Art exhibition cycle The Generation began in 2016, focusing on art of the second half of the 20th century. The cycle’s programme is realised in the 4th Floor Exhibition Halls and since 2021 also in the right wing exposition halls on the 2nd floor of the main building of LNMA. By 2021, exhibitions devoted to many important figures in Latvian art have been held, such as Boriss Bērziņš, Felicita Pauļuka, Daina Riņķe, Henrijs Klēbahs, Līvija Endzelīna, Hilda Vīka, Gunārs Krollis, Džemma Skulme, Romualds Geikins. In 2021–2022, separate expositions dedicated to Jānis Pauļuks, Māra Kažociņa, Jānis Karlovs, and Inta Celmiņa are planned. In the years to come, there are exhibitions in preparation for Biruta Baumane, Lea Davidova-Medene, Rolands Kaņeps, Leo Jānis Briedītis, Gunārs Cīlītis, Guntis Strupulis, Rūsiņš Rozīte.
Text by Elita Ansone
Irēna Bužinska, Exhibition Curator, Museum of Decorative Arts and Design / Latvian National Museum of Art
Ilze Putniņa, Curator of the Latvian Painting Collection (2nd Half of the 20th – 21st Century) / Latvian National Museum of Art
Ieva Kalnača, Head of the Project Management Department / Latvian National Museum of Art
Dr. art. Elita Ansone, Head of Collections and Scientific Research Department ARSENĀLS
(2nd Half of the 20th – 21st Century) / Latvian National Museum of Art
Galerii nimi: Latvian National Museum of Art
Aadress: Jaņa Rozentāla laukums 1, Central District, Riga, Latvia
Lahtiolekuajad: T-N 10:00 - 18:00 R 10:00 - 20:00 L-P 10:00 - 17:00
Avatud: 10.12.2021 — 06.02.2022
Aadress: Jaņa Rozentāla laukums 1, Central District, Riga, Latvia
Lahtiolekuajad: T-N 10:00 - 18:00 R 10:00 - 20:00 L-P 10:00 - 17:00
Avatud: 10.12.2021 — 06.02.2022