In the autumn of 2021, The Bird Keeper participated in the State Autumn Exhibition at Kunstnernes Hus where she read out the Red List for Birds at Haramsfjellet and emphasized the need for Norway a minister of nature conservation who can ensure biodiversity for future generations. Since then, the performance has evolved further in line with what is happening elsewhere in society. In November 2021, the Norwegian Species Bank published a new red list for birds. The bird keeper then read the list of 90 species in different places in Ålesund and published the information as a campaign in social media. In February 2022, The Bird Keeper met Prime Minister Jonas Gahr Støre in Brattvågen and presented him with the list of 90 bird species for which the Norwegian authorities have a responsibility. The art project has a strong public enlightening intention, while at the same time emphasizing the importance of the birds’ presence in the current climate and environmental debate.