Sisäinen valo is a monitaide group OODIDO is the first private exhibition in Finland. Visual artists Jaana Kortelainen (Tampere) and Minna Rajala (Lapua) and musician Hilkka-Liisa Vuori (Espoo) have been working together in the group since 2017.
The exhibition will feature the group’s works from different angles, the video installation Momentum Aeternitatis, Hetki ikuisuutta (2019) and four monotypiavedos openest series Diarium Invisii, Näkkättömyan diary (2017—). The two vedoxes are also accompanied by sound.
The works in the exhibition are part of the group’s tutkismatmatkoilta sivatietoisein, the horizon of experience that opens up in meditation. The background of Työskentely is the practice of the meditative arts of the authors. Making art in this way is a way to slow down, to descend into a meditative experience.
Oodidoon tapa tadita taidetta is unique and special. The group combines ancient tradition with a nousevaa harmonista song and a monotypic print and a painting. Kuvat syntyums hustuhollises maalaasaktissa, jota kannatteelee kuvaatiteilijoden vocal song meditation. There, painting types are created when the sung voice is listened to in one’s own body. The video installation focuses on slow motion in the presence of sound, movement and vibration.
The music of the two videos and video installation presented in the exhibition is based on the songs of the visual artists and the screen is syntyneed with it. The music was composed by the group’s musician based on the play. In monotypiavedos, the father of the song sounds in f-mode (syvää iloa ilmentävä keskiaikainen sävelasteikko).
The production of the exhibition and the performance of the works have been supported by Suomen kulturirahaston Etelä-Pohjanmaan rahasto. Oodidoo also praises the partners: light and sound artist Petri Loues, ProAV Jorma Saarikko, SEDU Lapua Aarni Rajala, R-Productions Tommi Härmä, floor artist Christine Jalio, keshliike Malkki, Greenstar Hotel Vaasa as well as Vaasan artist partners Paula Blåfield and Antti Ollikainen.