WANG Fei was born in Henan in 1964. He graduated from Shandong University with a degree in Chinese literature and first studied calligraphy and seal engraving with JIANG Weisong (1915-2007) at Shandong University. He was then appointed to a teaching post in the Chinese Department of the University of the South-West in Sichuan, with XU Yongnian between 1984 and 1992.
Wang Fei
WANG Fei was born in Henan in 1964. He graduated from Shandong University with a degree in Chinese literature and first studied calligraphy and seal engraving with JIANG Weisong (1915-2007) at Shandong University. He was then appointed to a teaching post in the Chinese Department of the University of the South-West in Sichuan, with XU Yongnian between 1984 and 1992.
Chinese calligraphy has a dual aspect: one is practical and the other artistic.
Chinese writing has a history of 3500 years, it has undergone many changes and its content is very rich. Its artistic expression went through a developmental process from reproduction to expression, the latter emphasizing the emotions and the transmission of the author’s concepts.
Chinese painting is influenced by Chinese calligraphy, which emphasizes writing rather than drawing. Drawing means that we insist on the objectivity of the subject and on the eyes, while the writing seeks to more easily express the subjectivity of the artist.
The basic elements of Chinese calligraphy are dots, strokes and surfaces, while the soul of the writing is the rhythm and the musicality, especially in cursive writing.
The paintings that will be displayed at Artsight, and made by Mr. Wang Fei, are all “written”.
Galerii nimi: Galleri Artsight
Aadress: Hornsgatan 36A, 118 20 Stockholm, Sweden
Lahtiolekuajad: K-P 12:00 - 17:00
Avatud: 09.11.2024 — 01.12.2024
Kunsti liigid: Joonistus
Aadress: Hornsgatan 36A, 118 20 Stockholm, Sweden
Lahtiolekuajad: K-P 12:00 - 17:00
Avatud: 09.11.2024 — 01.12.2024