Didier doesn´t want the beholder to have the image explained explained in advance. He want visitors to make their own interpretation, freely and without external influence. Still, there are some hints in the text he wrote about the “Cartographies” exhibit.
“I met them in the streets of Athens, standing motionless at the foot of buildings.
Overheated by the scorching sun, battered by the salty wind, stung by the acidic air, they were gradually transformed by the onslaught of city life.
A metamorphosis has taken place on their metal skin.
Unpredictable patterns have appeared on their bonnets: here a shoreline, there a mountain, or a new continent.
So many imaginary lands that time has patiently engraved.
At first sighted incidentally, then looked at curiously, I ended up actively seeking them out.
These images were born from our fleeting encounters. ”
Didier Jordan