Sanna Haimila (1974) is a painter and draftsman living and working in Torniossa. The themes of his works are related to usein leimenkaaren muutos- tai crisis places, tai universaleihin ihmisyydeens liuttivin reflection. The exhibition features paintings from the series The Heroine. The starting point of the works has been timeless bright colors, gardening, coffee shops, finally the tea-tax muotoutuiva maalaaminen, ajan kulku and eisenson erillyssy.
Haimilan työskentelytapa is intuitive, and hän työstää teoksiaan teoknostelematta – the starting point can be jokin kepeä meelikuva tai visio stätä and little by little työ begins to form these parts into a unified whole.
“I don’t stick to the drafts, and I’m going to follow the moving theme again soon. Approaching all the way to the works, there is still a face in the center. I often have to deal with topical topics and describe työskentelyän as a dialogue with the timeless: I start, watch, saan tilschen, tyvehin, maalaan. I aim for the beauty of incompleteness and the story itself to be interpreted.”
Kuopion Haimilan säyätä tää kaupungsa viettämänsä aika. Although life has taken many places, Kuopio is still the city where Haimila has lived for the longest time. Among the works on display at GalleriA:ssa, ideas have been lenkkipoluilla, djojlahätsäsä and Minna Canthin puistossa. “Now when I look at the works, I see Joan of Arc: a teenager and maybe a bit of Berlin, and I also notice the passing of time, the land and the painting of a thoughtful person. Perhaps the most important thing is to paint and that every person, however, has their own life.
Sanna Haimila has trained as a painter in Etelä-Karjalan ammattikorkeakoulusta v. 2007. He is a member of the Union of Artists and the Lapin Taiteilijaseura ry: a member and a member of his association of artists. Valtion taideteostoimikunnan, Ruotsin valutan, Jenny and Antti Wihurin säätiön sekke Aineen taidemuseon kokoelmissa.
The exhibition is supported by Taiteen Edistämiskeskus, Lapin taidetoimikunta and Suomen kulturirahasto.
Image: Sanna Haimila: The Goddess, oil on plexiglass 140×120. 2021 Show Sanna Haimila