«Painting is a primary activity, somewhere between whistling and scratching. It’s an extremely efficacious and enduring method of communicating simple as well as complex ideas.» Verne Dawson* * s. 6 Painting today, Tony Godfrey, Phaidon.
Photo from LNM
Galerii nimi: LNM
Aadress: Kongens gate 2, 0153 Oslo, Norway
Lahtiolekuajad: T-R 11:00 - 17:00 L-P 12:00 - 16:00
Avatud: 13.01.2022 — 06.02.2022
Aadress: Kongens gate 2, 0153 Oslo, Norway
Lahtiolekuajad: T-R 11:00 - 17:00 L-P 12:00 - 16:00
Avatud: 13.01.2022 — 06.02.2022