To explore contemporary challenges such as conflicts and environmental issues, Sansour employs various narrative forms including opera, personal essay films, documentary elements, and science fiction. In her works, science fiction serves as a refuge and a means to create space for reflection and alternative realities.
With her poetic films, Larissa Sansour opens a dialogue that offers perspectives on current political and universal human issues.
The exhibition features Sansour’s three latest film works.
Larissa Sansour lives in London and has been collaborating closely with philosopher and writer Søren Lind for many years. Read more about Sansour on the artist page, where you can also find an interview film with Larissa and Søren.
The title of the exhibition is derived from the traditional Palestinian mourning practice where the mourners’ clothes are dyed with indigo to signify the depth and seriousness of grief. Indigo remains in the fabric’s fibers and can never be completely faded away.