The exhibition includes kinetic sculptures, sound, text and live video. By nature, the works are playful treatises on themselves, as if self-sufficient portraits. The works, for example, play audio and video footage of their own manufacturing process, or a live image of some detail of the work. Some elements are some kind of performances or events that are realized with the help of motors, speaker elements, or other devices. The sound material originates from recorded performative experiments, or the sound created by the works in the exhibition.
Mika Kiviniemi is a performance and media artist living in Oulu. His background is in the field of performing arts. In recent years, Kiviniemi has realized multi-artistic media and performance art works and exhibitions both alone and as part of work groups. Kiviniemi graduated in 2022 from Aalto University’s Visual Cultures Curating and Contemporary Art master’s program. His first solo exhibitions were seen in 2022.