An exhibition where three different themes illustrate the complexity of man’s perception of the outside world. Through Erik Johansson’s brand new works The Echo Chamber , Filter Bubbles and Painting a World of Our Own, each theme expands into different spatialities that explore the power of perception. Here, we examine how a shift in our own perspectives can open new doors – perhaps to a brighter future. The Echo Chamber is a unique, enveloping exhibition experience where visitors can step into Erik Johansson’s visual world and become part of the works themselves.
One of the works explores the echo chamber: the phenomenon that occurs when a group of like-minded people only share information and thoughts with each other, thus reinforcing their own opinions instead of taking in new perspectives. In the echo chamber, the worldview is never questioned, on the contrary, it becomes cemented. Erik Johansson shows the liberation in succeeding in broadening his horizons to take in new perspectives in life – something that can hopefully lead to a more inclusive approach. The second work highlights filter bubbles, which according to recent research not only exist because of social media and algorithms, but are also often created and maintained by humans themselves via our limited interpretations of the outside world. In Erik Johansson’s portrayal of this, the thin membrane that separates us becomes visible, and at the same time possible to crack.Painting a World of Our Own .
– The Echo Chamber is an exhibition that really makes you reflect on what bubble you yourself live in, and hopefully gives new insights into how you can broaden your views.