Inspired by Sean Connery (aka James Bond's) visit at the clinic of the Norwegian psychoanalyst Ola Raknes in the 1970s Mattias Hellberg has created an exhibition and a theatrical-musical space at BO. Here Bond and Connery's mental issues and William Reichs orgasmic freudianism are intersected with agit-prop and Leninism. Through this absurd combination Hellberg is questioning truths and myths about sexuality, body and masculinity in Scandinavia.
Image from BO - Billedkunstnerne
Galerii nimi: BO - Billedkunstnerne (The Association of Visual Artists Oslo)
Aadress: Rådhusgata 19, 0158 Oslo, Norway
Lahtiolekuajad: K-P 12:00 - 16:00
Avatud: 05.05.2023 — 04.06.2023
Kunsti liigid: Muu
Aadress: Rådhusgata 19, 0158 Oslo, Norway
Lahtiolekuajad: K-P 12:00 - 16:00
Avatud: 05.05.2023 — 04.06.2023