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Sword and brush!
Päivi Kukkasniemi's paintings representing abstract expressionism are the tradition of the Free Art School at its best. It is always in fashion, because time creates its own trendy surface finish, just like now.
Kukkasniemi has made a collage out of one blood-red painting by attaching brushes to it. The painting with a flowing brush reminiscent of a sword and a cross brings thoughts not only to the approaching Easter, but also to the tarot cards of fortune tellers.
In other paintings, Kukkasniemi is not as suggestive. He gives power to the flowing form and softly flowing pastel colors. Really beautiful!
Anne Rouhiainen
At the exhibition, Kukkasniemi had wanted to paint for himself the right to exist. Tried to make someone who is himself, and not just an invisible doormat struggling with himself.
Now 20 years later, the same sword brush crosses have been re-emerged from a new perspective. Sivellin has worked extremely well as a sword in the battle of life.
With the exhibition, Kukkasniemi wants to highlight the importance of painting. There can be difficult moments in life when you can’t find words, but paint is a good therapist even then, and in happy moments it makes other people feel good on the wall.
Kukkasniemi is also celebrating its 50th birthday with its exhibition.