NOBA Põhja- ja Baltimaade kaasaegse kunsti keskkond

Lena Schwingshandl, Martyna Kosiarz and Alexandra Mitterhuber

Kunstniku päritolumaa: Muu

The presented artwork is a collaboration piece of the following three artists, who all met during their Erasmus stay 2017/18 in Tallinn:

Lena Schwingshandl was born in 1994 in Vienna, Austria. She works with Photography, Performance and Mixed Media. Inspired through observations in everyday life situations, she is testing both her own borders and the one of others. Her works often concern intimacy, in permanent reflection with her surroundings, she’s constantly dealing with her relationship to herself and to others. Also in her documentary works she doesn’t exclude herself. She lives and works currently in Linz, where she is studying Graphic Design and Photography at the University of Arts and Design. Last year she did an Erasmus at the Estonian Academy of Arts in the department of Printmaking. Her first Soloshow “Are We Closer Now” was a collaboration together with Laura Cemin at the EKA-Gallery in Tallinn 2017. Her most recent exhibition was “There’s No Such Thing As Boredom” in Manchester at the Scaffold Gallery.

Martyna Kosiarz, born in 1992 in Wrocław, Poland is a fashion designer (Academy of Art in Łódź; BA graduation in 2014) and artist. Since 2013 she is studying Painting at the Academy of Art and Design in Wrocław, where she also lives. Most of her own art practice include video- and site- specific intimate, impulsive installation or painting. She is questioning the borders between different mediums and exploring both – her own experiences and her biggest interests which are folk myths and primitive inwardness. Currently she is working on her final diploma painting collection, examining inuit fairytales. 2016 – 2017 she did her Erasmus exchange at the Estonian Academy of Art in the painting department. Her first solo exhibition “let’s crave around” was a collaboration with Alexandra Mitterhuber at Galerii 3,14 in Tallinn and her most recent site – specific installation was prepared for the literature festival ‘Czytaj!’ 2017 in Częstochowa, Poland.

Alexandra Mitterhuber was born 1991 in Rottenmann, Austria. The main focus of her art works lies in the preoccapation and the experice of space, the intervention to create something new in it, which surprises, excites and creates a sense of well-being, touches another world and invites you to linger for a longer time. This is expressed in atmospheric installations that experience skillful elevations through different media. Within these installations, the space is individually tailored to the created places. Often used materials include: fabric, clay, paper mache, wood, wire – basically materials with very organic and special haptic qualitys as well as photography, video performance and in general a technical playfulness to achieve the desired outcome. She graduated in her BA of textile design and is now in her Master at the University of Arts and Design, Linz, where she currently lives and works. In Tallinn she did her Erasmus in the department of sculpture and installation 2016/17. Some of the most recent exhibithion „“let’s crave around” in cooperation with Martyna Kosiarz, took place in Tallinn at the Galleri 3,14, and “wild rubber duck”, a group exhibition, at D27; Riga, Latvia 2017. An important work to understand her artist practice is „knabenseminarstrasse 29“


Windows Exhibitions - Lena Schwingshandl, Martyna Kosiarz and Alexandra Mitterhuber
Windows Exhibitions, 2017  
9 x 14 cm

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