NOBA Põhja- ja Baltimaade kaasaegse kunsti keskkond

Johanna Saikkonen Noor kunstnik

Johanna Saikkonen

Kunstniku päritolumaa: Soome

Johanna Saikkonen (b. 1998) is a figurative oil painter. What’s characteristic to her paintings is their scrutinizing view on the human body. She depicts nearly intrusive close-ups of bodies and faces, focusing on the things usually kept hidden. Saikkonen is interested in the schism between fantasies, social roles and reality – in other words: the human state of mind in modern western society in all its alienation and self-deception. Saikkonen is currently studying in the Academy of Fine Arts of Uniarts Helsinki. Her most recent exhibition was the BFA Exhibition in 2022, and she’ll next be participating in the Generation 2023 exhibition in Amos Rex art museum.



i love me - Johanna Saikkonen
i love me  
121 x 126 cm
Always Kiss with Your Eyes Closed - Johanna Saikkonen
Always Kiss with Your Eyes Closed  
154 x 156 cm
Sushi Eater - Johanna Saikkonen
Sushi Eater  
130 x 151 cm
Akkavalta / Girl Power - Johanna Saikkonen
Akkavalta / Girl Power  
111 x 134 cm
Taivas / Heavens - Johanna Saikkonen
Taivas / Heavens  
126 x 150.5 cm

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