NOBA Põhja- ja Baltimaade kaasaegse kunsti keskkond

Inga Siliņa Noor kunstnik

Inga Siliņa

Kunstniku päritolumaa: Läti

My background is studies in dramatic acting and this year I graduated Art Academy of Latvia master degree in scenography. I have been working for two years now making various art pieces connecting with scenography and costumes and as my masters degree work I made set design and costumes for play “Bound” at Vene theatre in Tallinn in which my main goal was to research masculinities in space. I am applying for this award my costume design that was prepared for Prague Quadreenial called “The coat of Crazy Daukas father” which symbolises both safety and security that is provided by the father in the family.


Dauka. Journey to the Moon - Inga Siliņa
Dauka. Journey to the Moon, 2022  
1 x 1 cm

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