NOBA Põhja- ja Baltimaade kaasaegse kunsti keskkond

Essi Kuokkanen Noor kunstnik

Essi Kuokkanen

Kunstniku päritolumaa: Soome

Essi Kuokkanen’s (Finnish, b. 1991) oil paintings are moving between representational, figurative,
cartoonish and surrealist imagery. Her subjects have included things like a girl picking up worms, a
pink sausage traveling on top of a box and a clumsy hand squeezing a melting banana. The highsaturated
colours and whimsical imagery gives you a false sense of innocence and happiness, when
actually there are more darker and violent underlying themes lurking under the surface. Kuokkanen
uses strange proportions and laughter to make subjects and ideas seem unfamiliar so they could be
seen in a new way. In her works she combines the poetic and humorous, dark and innocent, absence
and presence, imagined and real.


Illusion Is Easier Than Flesh - Essi Kuokkanen
Illusion Is Easier Than Flesh, 2018  
153 x 102 cm
Lonely Boys - Essi Kuokkanen
Lonely Boys, 2018  
167 x 163 cm
There's No Name For a Man Who Doesn't Come Back - Essi Kuokkanen
There's No Name For a Man Who Doesn't Come Back, 2018  
180 x 150 cm
Yellow Lump I - Essi Kuokkanen
Yellow Lump I, 2018  
27 x 22 cm
Yellow Lump II - Essi Kuokkanen
Yellow Lump II, 2018  
27 x 22 cm

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