Envija Vernere Noor kunstnik

Kunstniku päritolumaa: Läti
“During my studies, the hardest part was to leave my painting workshop to attend the theoretical lectures. I say this as a graduate, who appreciates the remote lessons and increased frequency of attendance that remoteness affords. I grew a lot studying for my Masters degree. My naïve, but determined signature which appeared during the BA studies, developed into something quite tasteful, acquiring a tad of elite professionalism while retaining the recognisable identity. My attention to surface expanded, the choice of materials became more specific, as well as demands towards myself in terms of attitude and attention.I started to rid myself of things I don’t want to see in my painting. MA program made me realise a few principles that I want to fulfil, perhaps already bringing some success. These are questions of gravity, a smirk at virtuosity, evolution of signature and style. The final phase of my studies also saw me entering the Latvian arts scene. I had 2-and-half solo shows: at Jurmala City Museum, Māksla XO gallery and MVT Foundations summer residence (collaboration with AAL, A. Vītoliņš, I. Iltnere). I gained experience working with curators, and organising the event myself. I took part in Survival Kit 11 art festival and several other group exhibitions. The shows were appreciatively reviewed by the critics. My works can be found in MVT and Zuzeum collections as well as private residences. One of my paintings was used as a background for a weekly RETV show. I have taught art at a municipal school and currently act as a guest lecturer. LMA lecturers I. Baranovska and I. Vitola have included fragments of my work (text and pintings) in their teaching materials.”