NOBA Põhja- ja Baltimaade kaasaegse kunsti keskkond

Ansis Dobicins

Ansis Dobicins

Kunstniku päritolumaa: Läti

Ansis Dobicins is a sculptor (born in 1989 Latvia), has graduated Art Academy of Latvia BA and MA in sculpture. Participated in various exhibitions in Latvia and abroad. Ansis Dobicins is working with materials and themes what possesses domestic or industrial symbolic. As of use of materials and objects which are rich in associations he establish his artistic view on world and society, what is represented trough metaphoric installations and sculptures.


Reliquary of pine  - Ansis Dobicins
Reliquary of pine  
60 x 30 cm
Fortune Bucket - Ansis Dobicins
Fortune Bucket  
35 x 35 cm
house I - Ansis Dobicins
house I  
60 x 40 cm
Riverside bag - Ansis Dobicins
Riverside bag  
30 x 40 cm
house II - Ansis Dobicins
house II  
20 x 10 cm

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