NOBA Põhja- ja Baltimaade kaasaegse kunsti keskkond

Dainora Vingytė

Dainora Vingytė

Kunstniku päritolumaa: Leedu

Dainora studied Graphic Arts at the Vilnius Academy of Arts. Through the years she was searching for her visual passion, visual language, trying to find ways to speak about the world she sees. At the 4th year of studies she found ironic, absurd and comedic ways to approach topics such as environmental problems, identity crisis, conspiracy theories, uncertainty about ones life, and just hilarity of human existence. Her one of the most important exhibitions (10.06-10.24.2020) at the Gallery Academia in Vilnius, called “The Garden Of Earthly Delights”, where she showed her drawings and woodcut prints made in 1,5 years. At 2019 she won 3rd place at Algimanto Švėgždos drawings competition, with her duet work “Re-canonisation”, which gave her opportunity to show her art at the gallery “Galeria Academia”. “The Garden of Earthly Delights” exhibition first appeared as her Bachelors degree project, which because of the pandemic, existed only in virtual format, photoshopped on real walls of small gallery and “installed” all works to the virtual picture gallery.


Reality Show - Dainora Vingytė
Reality Show  
100 x 1780 cm
Translation Error - Dainora Vingytė
Translation Error  
100 x 100 cm
The Case For Adam - Dainora Vingytė
The Case For Adam  
100 x 78 cm
Teletubbies on a break - Dainora Vingytė
Teletubbies on a break  
50.8 x 37.8 cm
The Great Glitch In The Sky - Dainora Vingytė
The Great Glitch In The Sky  
134 x 100 cm

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