NOBA Põhja- ja Baltimaade kaasaegse kunsti keskkond

The Case For Adam, 2020

100 x 78 cm


This woodcut is about how image can blind people from seeing what’s really happening around. Handsome modern homosexual Adam, who become one by late appearance of Eve, is posing in front of the camera, while the World around him is falling into pieces. You better look at those pretty pictures of pretty people, why bother seeing the hard stuff. This artwork has many references to the modern day events, internet cult happenings, reminders on what leads to war, exhausting cons of capitalism ect. This work is a part of my exhibition “The Garden Of Earthly Delights”.

Fotol on näidis ning tegu ei ole konkreetse eksemplariga. Tiraažist konkreetset tiražeeringu numbrit me ei taga, juhul kui kirjelduses ei ole märgitud teisiti.

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