NOBA Põhja- ja Baltimaade kaasaegse kunsti keskkond

Arnas Špakauskas

Arnas Špakauskas

Kunstniku päritolumaa: Leedu

Artists (born 1994) is the graduate of Vilnius Art Academy, currently lives and works in Vilnius, Lithuania

Photographer, painter, performance and installation artist.



Installatsioon "2015.01.28 - 2019.05.24" - Arnas Špakauskas
Installatsioon "2015.01.28 - 2019.05.24", 2019  
2000 x 200 cm
part of installation "2015.01.28 - 2019.05.24" - Arnas Špakauskas
part of installation "2015.01.28 - 2019.05.24", 2019  
297 x 21 cm
part of l "2015.01.28 - 2019.05.24" - Arnas Špakauskas
part of l "2015.01.28 - 2019.05.24", 2019  
111 x 111 cm

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