NOBA Põhja- ja Baltimaade kaasaegse kunsti keskkond

Ainė Petkūnaitė Noor kunstnik

Ainė Petkūnaitė

Kunstniku päritolumaa: Leedu

Ainė Petkūnaitė (ainuksss) is an artist, creator of interdisciplinary art. Using the strategy of archeology in her creative practice, the artist collects materials formed by nature and human artifacts, from which she models various speculative stories and objects. The artist is interested in the relationship between the subject and its environment, intercorporeality and forms of symbiosis, the memory of matter and the immateriality of matter, indefinite ductile structures. A wide spectrum of media is used in the creation – from text, drawing, glass to videography and performance. Participated in “Ars Electronica” festival, Austria (2022), group exhibition of moving images “Not just eyes: Lust”, Meno Avilys, Vilnius (2022), “Mediaramos”, exhibition hall “Titanikas”, Vilnius (2023) and other group shows.


I Carry Swimming Pools with Me - Ainė Petkūnaitė
I Carry Swimming Pools with Me, 2023  
1 x 1 cm


Injured - Ainė Petkūnaitė
Injured, 2022  
1 x 1 cm


Caeruleum Bulla - Ainė Petkūnaitė
Caeruleum Bulla, 2021  
1 x 1 cm

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