NOBA Põhja- ja Baltimaade kaasaegse kunsti keskkond

The Oversaturation, 2019

220 x 160 cm

Silicone rubber, mixed media

The multifigure sculpture “The Oversaturation” is an allegorical story of physical and mental metamorphoses. The artwork reflects the result of the abundance of life that transforms a person. The transformation of the bodies is highlighted by the rubber material through which one can feel the risk of inflow more fully.


Different figures of the sculpture

Different figures of the sculpture




Veel sellelt kunstnikult


Communication of Matter - Svetlana Saveļjeva
Communication of Matter  
50 x 40 cm
Igaviku allegooria - Svetlana Saveļjeva
Igaviku allegooria  
210 x 180 cm