NOBA Põhja- ja Baltimaade kaasaegse kunsti keskkond

The Other Side, 2024

132 x 120 cm

Oil on canvas

The armchair divides the space. Unreal, with the ghost can be seen, but the possible real behind the armchair stays unknown. Alongside the painting, weird, tense, and unexplained are projected from the facades of the truth of each viewer. The painting suggests diving into a state of mind that is beyond words. It has been painted with self-made oil colors. This painting has been participated in Kuvat Kevät 2024 (MFA Degree Show of the Academy of Fine Arts) in Helsinki, and it’s owned by Päivi and Paavo Lipponen Foundation, which collection is part of the Museum of Contemporary Art Kiasma and Finnish National Gallery.

Veel sellelt kunstnikult


Backflash - Mikko Ängeslevä
134 x 90 cm
Bird's Gift - Mikko Ängeslevä
Bird's Gift  
154 x 110 cm