NOBA Põhja- ja Baltimaade kaasaegse kunsti keskkond

The Forgotten Woods, 2020

999 x 999 cm

Virtual Reality Socio-Communication project, Virtual Reality installation: The Forgotten Woods. Nowadays commerce influences not only the people’s lifestyle, leisure, but also the children’s education. Commercialism in the fairytales has become very ordinary. It not only influences the tradition, but also transforms the meaning and effect of the fairytale. Back in 1975, children psychologist Bruno Bettelheim noticed this tendency. He wrote that talking to children society pretends that the dark side of people does not exist. Today it’s even more clear: the biggest obstacles in the children stories are casual problems that might occur to everyone during the day. My final BA project is a Virtual Reality installation that reveals the dark side in a fairytales is compulsory for a child.