NOBA Põhja- ja Baltimaade kaasaegse kunsti keskkond

Shepherd with cypresses, 2024

27 x 22 cm

drypoint on acrylic glass, paper

Work was exhibited at solo-exhibition “KERA”. When you see a landscape opening up to immense heights and distances and notice a flock of several thousand sheep in the middle of it, which look like tiny white dots, you can’t help but think about your own smallness and all the different scales in this world. What does a shepherd think and feel, being constantly surrounded by such a view, a powerful reminder of the fragility of life? We are all connected – no matter how small or big our existence, the importance stays the same, we hold within ourselves the pattern of space and time, encompassing all that has been and all that will be.

Fotol on näidis ning tegu ei ole konkreetse eksemplariga. Tiraažist konkreetset tiražeeringu numbrit me ei taga, juhul kui kirjelduses ei ole märgitud teisiti.

Veel sellelt kunstnikult


Dogs of Tbilisi - Anna-Liisa Sääsk
Dogs of Tbilisi  
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Weaving the fabric of time - Anna-Liisa Sääsk
Weaving the fabric of time  
220 x 144 cm