NOBA Põhja- ja Baltimaade kaasaegse kunsti keskkond

Madonna and Child with Flowers, 2022

79 x 67 cm

Oil paint

As part of the bachelor’s work, I chose to paint a reconstruction of the painting by the original author Carlo Dolci “The Virgin and Child with Flowers” (1642), gaining additional understanding of the artist’s painting technology, improving practical skills in creating copies and imitating a specific painting style.

Veel sellelt kunstnikult


Breakfast - Kristīne Priedīte
60 x 60 cm
Dawn - Kristīne Priedīte
80 x 60 cm
Gentle Night - Kristīne Priedīte
Gentle Night  
80 x 60 cm
Green jacket - Kristīne Priedīte
Green jacket  
80 x 60 cm
Lambada - Kristīne Priedīte
40 x 30 cm
Pearl - Kristīne Priedīte
40 x 30 cm
Whiskey 60+ - Kristīne Priedīte
Whiskey 60+  
40 x 30 cm


Temptation - Kristīne Priedīte
77 x 61 cm