NOBA Põhja- ja Baltimaade kaasaegse kunsti keskkond

Fence, 2023

150 x 240 cm

oil paint and crude oil on canvas

For this painting, I wanted to make an impression of wood. I always had only one idea of the Fence in my mind so I chose to paint it. I drew on two sources: a single photograph showing part of an old, handmade fence, and my own memory of the same fence looking sturdy and towering. I was amazed to see the photograph, because it contradicts my memory. My aim for this work was to create an effect, a feeling that accompanied the memory of the Fence, and to at least try to accentuate the smell of oil. I wanted it to be clear that when you stand at the Fence, you are standing at the fence. For me, it symbolizes security and separation – standing behind it brings safety, but at the same time I am separated from the wagons, I can only gaze through the gaps.

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Volume knot - Andrėja Maiburovaitė
Volume knot  
165 x 165 cm