NOBA Põhja- ja Baltimaade kaasaegse kunsti keskkond

Disabled identity, 2020

4.2 x 2.2 cm

Acrylic on canvas, wood, cards

According to COVID-19 pandemic I started to paint white, simple storage cabinets. I painted a lot of them and my honest plan was to put objects there. I was thinking what kind of an objects i will put and in what way, because everything was important: place, capacity, transparency, shadows. But I left all my storage cabinets empty. At the end I realized, that filling those with emptiness is the best solution. I am functioning as an author and this emptiness is kind of distance of mine. I did not want to regularize a still life. I wanted to make art and be free of formality. B. Groys wrote, that all culture of human being is built on willing to find a totality. Totality is metophore of a freedom. Emptyness of an storage cabinets represents a totality, will to be free. A work, that was created as installation from storage cabinets painting of mine, the huge one, empty pill packs (blisters), shelf, and sculptureal object – cube, made from blisters and cards(utilitarity objects, by which we could feel the touch of strurturing arm of power.

Work is currently exhibited virtually on TASE´21 digital exhibition.  

While being trapped in our insecurities, what are provided by disabilities we might have, we can not be empathic even a little bit to the others. In collecting empty pill packs helped: East Tallinn Central Hospital, West Tallinn Central Hospital, Kallavere Hospital and my family. I would like to Thank all hospital workers and wish strength to everyone, who is fighting with difficulties in their lives. Keywords: System critique, COVID-19 Pandemic, Illusion of freedom