NOBA Põhja- ja Baltimaade kaasaegse kunsti keskkond

#1, 2019

22 x 20 cm

ImagOn on 300g Hahnemühle paper.

Part 1 of the series “Tracing”, edition of 3

The series comprise a collection of frottages based on the surfaces of the houses artist has lived in. The works are based on the idea of going back and collecting, the production of a trace and the significance of home. The documentation made with pencil and paper serves as background material for pictures that are situated somewhere between drawing and printmaking. Working on the project has been an exploration into surfaces and personal memories.

Fotol on näidis ning tegu ei ole konkreetse eksemplariga. Tiraažist konkreetset tiražeeringu numbrit me ei taga, juhul kui kirjelduses ei ole märgitud teisiti.

Veel sellelt kunstnikult


#10 - Miina Aho
22 x 20 cm
#2 - Miina Aho
22 x 20 cm
#3 - Miina Aho
22 x 20 cm
#5 - Miina Aho
22 x 20 cm
#6 - Miina Aho
22 x 20 cm
#7 - Miina Aho
22 x 20 cm
#8 - Miina Aho
22 x 20 cm
#9 - Miina Aho
22 x 20 cm