NOBA Nordic Baltic contemporary art platform

This June, Tallinn Art Week will once again shine the light on Estonian contemporary art with a series of exhibitions and events around the city. the festival takes place from 11-17th of June with the focus on the complicated relationship patterns of humanity versus technology.

Following its manifesto “playing God? Future of Humanity…”, the festival features a vast number of art events, intriguing discussions, practical workshops and unexpected happenings in surprising venues and spaces of Tallinn.

Tallinn Art Week displays the various standpoints expressed by artists about the future of humanity in today’s changing environment. “Artists are eager to share their view, providing unexpected approaches on the subject,” said Andra Orn, Head of Tallinn Art week and Founder of contemporary art platform.

“We shall see thrilling utopias and dystopias that alarmingly refer to processes happening in everyday lives. The modern man purchases happiness from a shrink, consumes relationships as produce and shapes the body by plastic surgery. This era demands speed in every aspect of life. But are we really able to keep up and where does it position humanity? Can we reduce humanity to mathematical and technological rationale? These are the questions the artists address together with the public,” Orn explains.


Introducing video:


Tallinn Art Week is a festival established in 2016 with the aim of introducing contemporary art to people. The event is organised by Estonian contemporary art platform, which assembles the contemporary art by Estonian and Baltic artists, presenting ca 2000 artworks by more than 200 different artists.