I Will Not Bow Down Vladimir Putin
(for my friends in eastern Europe & Beyond)
I will not bow down Vladimir Putin
I will not bow down
to your Government
to your new Soviet Empire
I Will Not Bow Down Vladimir Putin
to your Materialism
to your International Corporations
to your Religious Shrines
your Stock Markets
your Shopping Malls
your Thugs
your Oligarchs
I Will Not Bow Down
to your Coal Mines
to your Oil Refineries
to your Nuclear Plants
I Will Not go crawling down your deep shafts at midnight
I Will Not Bow Down Vladimir Putin
to your invasion of privacy
to your immoral absolutes
your military might
I Will Not Bow Down Vladimir Putin
to your Assassins the KGB the FSK the FSB
your Federal Security Service of the Russian Federation
your International Military Criminal Police State
your World Crime Organization
your Killing Murdering Machines
I Will Not Bow Down Vladimir Putin
to your Bureaucracies
to your Schools
to your attempt to make Ukraine and Estonia and Latvia and Poland and Finland and Europe and the USA and the rest of the world citizens of your restored and expanded Soviet Union Empire
I Will Not Bow Down Vladimir Putin
to your Fear-Based Hissstory
of Lies
to your Secrets
in the Best Interest of
to protect
the People?!?!?!?!
Vladimir Putin
I Pledge Allegiance
to those who were here before you
to those who will be here after you are gone
I Pledge Allegiance
to the woman I love
I Pledge Allegiance
to my children to my grandchildren to my godchildren
to all my children to come
I Pledge Allegiance
to my family friends and allies
to my guides and angels
seen and unseen
Vladimir Putin Russian Federation
I Pledge Allegiance
to poetry to music to art
to the global literary renaissance
to the global arts community
I Pledge Allegiance to the Beat to the Outsider
I Pledge Allegiance to the Downtrodden
I Pledge Allegiance to meditation to stillness
to magic to beautiful mysticism to ecstasy
to AH and AHA
to the Big Bang Epiphany
to altered states of
I Pledge Allegiance
to seeing
into the occult the unknown
to seeing
into every day into the ordinary
and being amazed
I Pledge Allegiance to the Sacred and the Profane
to gnostical turpitude
I Pledge Allegiance to my physical body
and to the knowledge that I am more than
my physical body
I Pledge Allegiance to seeing more than
the physical world and to those
of higher frequency vibration
and consciousness
I Pledge Allegiance to passing through
the Sacred Fire
to entering the upper chamber of the golden pyramid
to levitating over the open sarcophagus
to out of body experience
I Pledge Allegiance to hard work
I Pledge Allegiance to labor unions
I Pledge Allegiance to honesty
I Pledge Allegiance to the hottest sex
and to gentle affection
I Pledge Allegiance to fractal geometry
the geometry of clouds and coastlines
I Pledge Allegiance to Failure
to failing as no other dare fail
I Pledge Allegiance to taking risks
to holy daring
to accepting responsibility for my own actions
to helping my neighbors
I Pledge Allegiance to not achieving
the Vladimir Putin
dream of success
Vladimir Putin
I Pledge Allegiance to trees to green grass
to brown earth to wildflowers of every color
to wilderness to turquoise indigenous skies
to native peoples everywhere
to dolphins and whales
to rivers lakes and seas
to healing the earth
I Pledge Allegiance to the Holy Spirit
to the Word and to Silence
I Pledge Allegiance to Dreams
I Pledge Allegiance to Birth to the Journey and to Death
I Pledge Allegiance to No Mas to I Am No More
I Pledge Allegiance
to Candor to Sincerity to Laughter
I Pledge Allegiance to Passion to Compassion
to Empathy and to Helping Those in Need
I Pledge Allegiance to Resurrection of the Heart
I Pledge Allegiance to Resurrection of the Heart
NO Vladimir Putin
I Will Not Bow Down
I Will Not Bow Down
NO Vladimir Putin
Ron Whitehead, U.S. National Beat Poet Laureate