Edward von Lõngus

Artist's country of origin: Estonia
Edward von Lõngus is a fictional character, an informational being, emerged from the informationally nutritious cultural environment of the digital age. There is no single physical body. There are only ideas. He is a collection of thoughts in the datasphere. A computer virus outside of computers, spreading from brain to brain through his creation.
His works can be found all accross the streets of Estonia. He has been exhibited in the Art Museum of Estonia, published in National Geographic magazine, in many Estonian newspapers, magazines and tv-channels. His actions have met both fierce condenment and praise by the online audience. He has been chased by the police and also named artist of the year by his home town Tartu. Some of his works have been vandalized or buffed by the authorities, some of them have sold in auctions at record prizes. Some call him “Estonian Banksy”, others have promised to kick his ass when they find him.