NOBA Nordic Baltic contemporary art platform

Vesa-Pekka Rannikko: Lions Eat Grass

Vesa-Pekka Rannikko’s (b. 1968) new works see him return to figurative expression and characters that were last seen from him a decade ago. Lions Eat Grass is an exhibition about escapism, concrete fantasies, identities, and artificial paradises, which are presented to us through plaster sculptures and animated drawings. The exhibition…

Silja Rantanen: Tesserae

Silja Rantanen’s (b. 1955) career is characterised by her willingness to move away from the familiar themes and techniques, ones that she has employed with great success, in order to find a new perspective, approach, or challenge. She is fearless. When it comes to art, Silja Rantanen will only work…

Salla Tykkä, Europe – Europa, 2020

Salla Tykkä’s new moving image work Europe – Europa is an inquiery into the power and responsibility of the author. In this film, which will have its premiere in Galerie Anhava, Tykkä focuses the camera and the gaze on an aging writer and his novella, which has its origins in…

Imminence by the artist duo Tommi Grönlund

Galerie Anhava is pleased to announce the opening of the exhibition Imminence by the artist duo Tommi Grönlund and Petteri Nisunen together with artist Ivana Franke. The artists share an explorative working approach and a similar interest in the natural sciences and architecture is present in their artistic practice. As…

Antti Laitinen ”Broken Landscape”

Antti Laitinen (b.1975) creates his works in truly memorable ways. Many of us recall, for instance, how the artist set sail to Estonia in a boat made of bark. Or the work where he cut down a 10 x 10 metre forest plot, spent months sorting the resulting material (including …

Matti Kujasalo

Matti Kujasalo (born 1946, Helsinki) is one of Finland’s most widely known artists abroad and his extensive oeuvre has played an important role in international constructivist art. His work can be approached via geometric constructivism and concretism alike, while op art and minimalism also provide points of contact. The unique…

Jani Ruscica. Human Flesh

In his works Jani Ruscica (born 1978) combines a wide range of different forms of artistic expression: the moving image, sculpture and performance engage in a dialogue with images, sound and language. Ruscica’s multidimensional works are prepared in collaboration with professionals and experts in different areas. His cross-disciplinary method in…

Päivikki Alaräihä: May

Päivikki Alaräihä has given her exhibition the title May. With a similarly fresh and straightforward, though ambiguous, connection that links the exhibition to its month in the calendar, the works place themselves in an active relationship with the exhibition venue and its surrounding urban space.The artist’s subtle and frugal visual idiom …