The museum collection consists mainly of sculptures made by Carl Eldh. Over 500 plaster sketches and original models are exhibited in the two studio rooms, as well as sculptures in bronze, stone and clay. A big part of the collection consists of portraits, as well as original models of well-known statues and monuments. Here are also Eldh’s tools, various memorabilia and furniture. Eldh’s private art collection consists of paintings made by fellow artists and friends, some of whom were portrayed by him. Books, magazines and letters, notes, documents, newspaper clippings, photos and glass plate negatives are also a part of the museum collection.
Carl Eldh's Studio Museum
Galerii nimi: Carl Eldh's Studio Museum
Address: Lögebodavägen 10, 113 47 Stockholm, Sweden
Opening hours: Sat-Sun 11:00 - 16:00
Open: 11.04.2023 — 18.04.2023
Types of art: Sculpture
Address: Lögebodavägen 10, 113 47 Stockholm, Sweden
Opening hours: Sat-Sun 11:00 - 16:00
Ticket info: Admission 120 SEK Student 100 SEK Senior 100 SEK 0–15 years, free admission
Open: 11.04.2023 — 18.04.2023