Repetition is intricate. It is sameness and difference, a play of simple and complex repetition, which is masked and unmasked, static and dynamic - concealing the meaning and yet bringing it to light. The play of repetitions and differences becomes like a maze - a tender balance of clarity and confusion, in which its easy to get entangled in. The repetitions inside and outside of us can feel automatic, stereotypical, yet we can find in them endless differences, variants and conversions - beauty. Sometimes, the differences are so subtle, making the repetition feel endless and same. Layer by layer repetition becomes a force with an unpredictable effect. Perhaps, what is repeating, is difference itself?
This is the artist’s concept for the exhibition which invites the viewer on a journey to the inner patterns of repetition in which the delicate and airy glass objects made in pate de verretechnique mirror emotions and musings called forth by repetition.
Photo from:
Sigrid Luitsalu (s 1988) on Tallinnas tegutsev klaasikunstnik ja loovuse coach. Ta on lõpetanud Eesti Kunstiakadeemia klaasikunsti eriala (klaasikunst BA 2016), on varasemalt õppinud filosoofiat ja Aasia kultuurilugu ning alates 2021. aastast on ta akrediteeritud coach. Kunstnikuna huvitub Luitsalu mustritest, mis esinevad nii looduses kui ka meis endis, ammutades inspiratsiooni eluslooduse ja inimese sisemaailma pidevast muutumisest ning arengust.
Galerii nimi: HOP galerii
Address: Hobusepea tänav 2, 10133 Tallinn, Estonia
Opening hours: Mon-Tue 11:00 - 18:00
Thu-Sun 11:00 - 18:00
Open: 25.08.2023 — 19.09.2023