Roihuvuori represents the first wave of suburban growth in Helsinki and, as such, is important in the history of architecture and urban planning in Finland. Tuhkimontie 10, designed by the architects Tarja Salmio-Toiviainen and Esko Toiviainen, completed in 1955, is a ‘serpentine house’ curving its way along the street with a total of nine stairways. Myllylä lives opposite the building, therefore the video work depicts also her own everyday environment.
Structured framing of the environment provided by the window grid of the building intrigued Myllylä. Having looked at the building from outside for years, she temporarily had access to the apartments and could look at her living environment from the points of view of others. When filming time-lapse sequences from a fixed camera position the framing of the image is speculative: one sets the limits of the image and waits for something to happen.