Ove Ottosson
Ove’s genre is art brut, a driven craft carefully disguised in obtrusively sophisticated naivety. The faces that look straight at us, hand-drawn lines, streaky hair, mouths that clench. Everything is “wrong” yet so right, and far more fascinating than words can describe. And very provocative, because it turns accepted concepts of art on its head.
Emelie Röndahl
Emelie shows ryos with long threads representing portraits of herself and her children. Through the technique, the portraits become anonymous hairy beings with a rather sad appearance. In a series of hand-printed images, portraits of a solitary individual can be seen in close-up. The No Hands animation shows a winding thread creating a rya without a visible hand. The title together with the works gives associations to the fluffy, hairy and humorous in the context, while at the same time there is a clear sense of sadness.