Soft Spot is Michalina Kacperak’s personal story. Born in 1993, Michalina is the oldest of four daughters of an alcoholic. Having lived in a dysfunctional family for years, she felt the need to share her experience. She was inspired by the courage and imagination of her youngest sister Zosia, now thirteen years old. At first, Kacperak photographed mostly for herself. She wanted to hug herself as a child.
Riga Photography Biennial - NEXT 2023
Galerii nimi: Riga Art Space
Address: Kungu iela 3, Central District, Riga, Latvia
Opening hours: Tue-Sun 11:00 - 18:00
Open: 28.04.2023 — 18.06.2023
Address: Kungu iela 3, Central District, Riga, Latvia
Opening hours: Tue-Sun 11:00 - 18:00
Ticket info: Entry fee 5 eur. Students - 2.50 EUR Seniors - 3.00 EUR
Open: 28.04.2023 — 18.06.2023