Decolonialism also includes new perspectives on the relationship between humans and the environment, their dominant and consumptive impact on nature, and the need to change this. The exhibition also foregrounds issues of sustainability and accessibility, and the role of culture and the arts in strengthening a diverse and inclusive society. These issues are highlighted in the exhibition’s public programme, discussions, lectures and creative workshops.
Artists: Anna Shkodenko, Darja Popolitova, Viktor Gurov, Francisco Martínez, Aurelija Maknytė, Diana Lelonek, Artist collective Family Connection, Haralds Matulis, Inga Erdmane, Linda Boļšakova, Līga Spunde, Maija Demitere, Maria Kapajeva, Olia Mykhailiuk, Rasa Šmite & Raitis Šmits, Vika Eksta and Anna Griķe.
Curator: Ieva Astahovska