At this moment there is a lot of disharmony in the world, making us doubt in the capacity of a human being to live in harmony with oneself, with the other living creatures as well as the surrounding environment. Not to highlight all the negative, the purpose of the exhibition is to find the ways to be able to be in harmony. To give sense to oneself what is harmony. Sometimes harmony for one might be disharmony for another?
Participating: Agne Kuusing-Soome, Airi Aas, Aleks Kase, Anneliis Vabul, Eleny Kasemets, Elize Hiiop, Enno Ootsing, Erki Kannus, Eve Ermann, Illimar Paul, Kadri Bormeister, Kairi Orgusaar, Kelli Valk, Kerstin Rei, Maria-Kristiina Ulas, Kärt Karjatse, Külli Tael, Lii Pähkel, Liisi Tani, Mari Roosvalt, Mariann Hakk-Eve, Marje Üksine, Marju Bormeister, Merje Rääbis, Naima Neidre, Rein Mägar, Rete Jallai, Saima Randjärv, Sergei Minin, Zhanna Toht, Tiina Tammetalu, Tiina Tarve, Tuuliki Tolli, Veera Stanishevskaja, Virve Albri, Ülle Kuldkepp.
Organisers: Kerstin Rei and Mari Roosvalt
Supporters: Estonian Cultural Endowment, Town Government of Pärnu and the Ministry of Culture