Hair. Wrinkles. Eyebrows. Beard. Eyes. Smiles. Anxiety. Joy. Everywhere in the world, people are unique, but at the same time we are united by something universal. These black and white pictures show people from different corners of the world, captured on trips to various countries. Who are they? Where are they going? What do they think? We don’t know. All photos are taken without permission and in most cases without people’s own knowledge. Photos by Tõnis Varjas
Photo from TYPA
Galerii nimi: TYPA
Address: Kastani 48f, Tartu, Estonia
Opening hours: Wed-Sun 12:00 - 18:00
Open: 23.09.2022 — 16.10.2022
Address: Kastani 48f, Tartu, Estonia
Opening hours: Wed-Sun 12:00 - 18:00
Open: 23.09.2022 — 16.10.2022